Cheats Galore-Nintendo 64 Cheats | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Banjo-Kazooie Cheats | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Moooo Easter Egg Go to the sandcastle floor in Treasure Trove Cove. Type in "CHEAT" with the beak-bust. Each time you hit a letter, you hear the bull moo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refill All Items Want a quick refill of all your items? Once you have uncovered all three cheat books, simply go to the Treasure Trove Cove sandcastle and "stomp" in the following code: BLUEREDGOLDFEATHERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extra Lives in Bubblegloop Swamp In the Bubblegloop Swamp, turn yourself into the alligator (via Mumbo) and then enter the nose of the giant alligator statue. Now, if you can beat Mr. Vile in his games to get the puzzle piece, you can walk out and come back in again and he will have a new challenge. This time, if you can beat him in his three games you can get 3 extra lives. But, the only catch is that if you lose in any of the games, Mr. Vile takes one of your lives. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the Rusty Bucket Bay entrance. To your right you will see a cave with three pipes. Break the one in the middle and go into the pipe. At the opening you will see a switch that will raise the water level once you pound it down. After you activate the switch you will have to jump outin to the water and go to your right, and you have to be quick because you have a limited amount of time. In the cave to your right you will find the third spellbook which will give you the code "GOLDFEATHERS." You must enter it in the Sandcastle on the Treasure Trove Cove Level to activate the 20 feathers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Destroy Beaver's Rock in Spring Glitch It's possible to bust the boulder blocking the Beaver's hole in Click Clock Wood on the Sping Level (The first level you have access to). If you stand up on the ledge above the rock and get at just the right angle a little to the right of the rock and drop eggs out of Kazooie's butt onto the boulder, you can blow it up. If you swim into the hole on this level it gives you some strange game glitches, and the Beaver will still beg you to move the rock even though it's gone. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Funnier Game Select Animations Tired of looking at the same thumbs-up, Kazooie-comes-out-of-backpack game select opening every time you start your game? This code (sort-of) allows you to view a new, funnier one when you start. Before you start your game, all you have to do is watch the fish swimming around in the fish-bowl. After a while he will butt his head into the side of the bowl, causing a TOCK sound. Immediately after you hear the third TOCK sound, press A. On the first game save, Banjo will be thrown out the window and on the second the wall will spin around causing Bazooie to be chucked outside. The third game save you must listen for the BOING sound coming from the Gameboy, the third time you hear it, press A and a giant spring will come out from the the bottom of the chair, launching Banjo out of the house. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enter "REDFEATHERS" in Treasure Trove Cove world on the Sand Castle Floor after you talk to the Spell Book in Mad Monster Mansion. Your Red Feather max limit will go up to 100 (instead of 50.) Have Mumbo Jumbo turn you into a pumpkin in the Mad Monster Mansion world. Then leave and go up the winding path where Brentilda is waiting (volcano). Now go into the small hole and follow the cave path and you'll meet up with one out of the three spell books in the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be able to get 200 eggs, go to the Bubblegloop Swamps an let yourself be changed into the crocodile. Exit the level and turn to your left (Banjo's right) and go to the pipe in the back, which leads to the snow world puzzle map. When you are there, go through the pipe at the top of the hill and you will find a spell book guy. He gives you the code: BLUEEGGS, which you need to enter in the sand castle in Treasure Trove Cove. Note:This code only works if you have talked to the spell book. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Hands and Feet + Tall Skinny Banjo Go into Banjo's house and look at the bottles picture using C-Up. He will start talking. Play through the first, second, third, fourth and fifth puzzle challenges and you will be rewarded with a code: BOTTLESBONUSFIVE. This code enables big hands and feet Banjo + tall skinny Banjo. Simply go back to the sand-castle in Treasure Trove Cove and spell out the code to activate it. Note: code will not work unless you have actually beaten the puzzle challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Hands and Feet Banjo )Go into Banjo's house and look at the bottles picture using C-Up. He will start talking. Play through the first and second puzzle challenges and you will be rewarded with a code: BOTTLESBONUSTWO. This code enables big hands and feet Banjo. Simply go back to the sand-castle in Treasure Trove Cove and spell out the code to activate it. Note: code will not work unless you have actually beaten the puzzle challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Head and Wings Kazooie Go into Banjo's house and look at the bottles picture using C-Up. He will start talking. Play through the first, second and third puzzle challenges and you will be rewarded with a code: BOTTLESBONUSTHREE. This code enables big head and wings Kazooie. Simply go back to the sand-castle in Treasure Trove Cove and spell out the code to activate it. Note: code will not work unless you have actually beaten the puzzle challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giant Banjo-Kazooie Go into Banjo's house and look at the bottles picture using C-Up. He will start talking. Play through the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth puzzle challenges and you will be rewarded with a code: BIGBOTTLESBONUS. This code enables big head, big hands and feet Banjo + big head and wings Kazooie. Simply go back to the sand-castle in Treasure Trove Cove and spell out the code to activate it. Note: code will not work unless you have actually beaten the puzzle challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tall Skinny Banjo Go into Banjo's house and look at the bottles picture using C-Up. He will start talking. Play through the first, second, third and fourth puzzle challenges and you will be rewarded with a code: BOTTLESBONUSFOUR. This code enables tall skinny Banjo. Simply go back to the sand-castle in Treasure Trove Cove and spell out the code to activate it. Note: code will not work unless you have actually beaten the puzzle challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washing-machine Banjo-Kazooie Go into Banjo's house and look at the bottles picture using C-Up. He will start talking. Play through the first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth puzzle challenges and Bottles will tell you that there is no more. He's lying. Go back and play again. If you beat the puzzle you will be rewarded with another code: WISHYWASHYBANJO. This code turns Banjo-Kazooie into a washing-machine. Simply go back to the sand-castle in Treasure Trove Cove and spell out the code to activate it. Note: code will not work unless you have actually beaten the puzzle challenges. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Head Banjo Go up to the Bottles picture above the fireplace in Banjo's Home. Hit Top-C and look at the picture (you may have to reposition yourself a few times to get it to work). If you have the Jiggy from the sandcastle in Treasure Trove Cove, you can play a mini puzzle game. You have to put together the puzzle and then go back to Treasure Trove cCve. In the sandcastle, spell out BOTTLESBONUSONE. Banjo will get a big head! Spell NOBONUS to reverse it! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Blast Corps Cheats | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
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------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Z-Button Tricks Some people say the Z button trick is useless in Blast Corps. Certain levels are made very easy by the proper application of this trick, making platinum times a cinch! Simply get close to a building or structure and press Z until you hear the familiar "doh!" Repeat this and the building will eventually explode. Note that this trick does NOT work with the PAL version (Europe/Australia). Get a really fast time on Oyster Harbor using a combination of tricks. First, it is not necessary to have the boats in place or fill the holes in order to complete the level. Second, it is possible to destroy the series of walls that one usually uses the TNT on, as well as the final building, using the Z button trick. So by destroying the small blocks in the beginning of the course using the Ramdozer, and using the Z button trick on the buildings, one can do the level in under 1:30, where the platinum time is 2:55! Another hugely useful application of the Z button trick is on Beeton Tracks. Normally, one would have to move the Ramdozer across the tracks and use the TNT to blow up the big building. Instead, the Z button trick can blow it up, resulting in a time of around 33 seconds, instead of the platinum time of 1:15! A somewhat less useful application of the Z button trick is on the last huge building on Diamond Sands. Most of it is destroyed by TNT, but the remaining part of the building can be destroyed without using the TNT on the other side of the tracks. Just use the magic Z button! There are a few other useful application of this trick, but none as useful as the first two. It seems that the only win condition for each level is that no buildings be blocking the carrier. Everything else can be ignored, even if green arrows are pointing to it. Using this strategy, some levels have extremely easy platinum times. These tricks are most helpful when you get to the later levels, like in the Platinum levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Levels: Extra Planets It's been confirmed! There are at least four extra planets (in addition to the moon) that players can reach: Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Neptune, and there may be more (since there are four more planets in the solar system). The pre-mission briefing clearly states that to continue on "perhaps even more missions, one must attain a perfect score." To play these levels you must get a gold medal in each of the regular stages (including all training/bonus levels, Shuttle Clear, and the Moon). Once you have done this you get a congratulations message and Mercury will open up, after you beat it Venus will open, and so on. If you've attained gold medals in all the planets, you will get a message asking to "Do it Faster," which means going back to all of the missile stages; medals will then be awarded based on time. But you're still not yet! If you received a gold in all of the timed-missile stages you will be asked to do it even faster to earn platinum medals in every stage you've played so far! There may be even more, but the platinum medals are almost inhumanly possible. There are nine planets in our solar system (including our own), and there are least four planets circling in the background, so.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Level: Moon After saving the space shuttle you'll have completed the transition level that leads the Blast Corps into outer space. You'll fly to the moon on the space shuttle and wreak havok there, having to destroy several constructs within six minutes. Backlash is the only chooseable vehicle. Gravity is different, much like it would be on the moon, and control of ones's vehicle is even more of necessary than ever. As in the Earth's levels, look for ditches and hills to launch Backlash into buildings with even more power. This level is truly fun. Huge low-gravitational jumps, extra-long, 360 degree skids, and even more destruction are all very present in this cool level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bonus Level: Shuttle Island The new challenge is to clear a path for a runaway space shuttle. The space shuttle has been battered and disabled and must land in the middle of a city. The Blast Corps must destroy the entire city to let it land. To beat this level, you must locate Thunderfist. At the level's immediate beginning, drive right, and follow the perimeter of the buildings on your left. You'll take a left, and then drive straight until you reach a set of buildings with dynamite crates surrounding them. Blow up the first one, and inside it is Thuderfist. Use this awesome destructor to annihilate the city. The runaway shuttle level isn't too hard. You have room for about three mistakes max to beat the level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Six Scientists There are six scientists in Blast Corps, and once you've found these white-jacket clad old men, you have completed the game's first major segment. The six scientists are located in: But there's more. After the game ends, the carrier is directed to a safe plac e to explode, and after all of the credits roll by, a brand new set of challenges awaits you. Wait until the credits roll by to see this new bonus level. Get all of these scientists and you'll have the chance to play the bonus Shuttle level -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nitro Boost At the beginning of a bonus level after the green light, press the gas button and you'll get a nitro boost similar to that in Mario Kart (you have to do it really fast after the green light). This is effective in beating your old times -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Instant Explosion Simply drive up next to something and try to get out of your vehicle by using the Z button. If you're too close, your man will yell and not get out. If you continue holding the Z button, the obstructing object will blow up like magic. NOTE: This cheat is best performed with the dump truck, or in heavily obstructed areas that make it difficult for the driver to get out of the vehicle We suggest learning the strengths of the vehicles before using this -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost Car In a level where you go around a race course, after you complete the number of laps it says to do, do the race again with another vehicle. Now, when you start, you'll be racing a ghost car. The ghost car will be the vehicle that you just used and will do everything you did in the last race (just like in Mario Kart 64). The Ghost Car is a nice little addition to Blast Corps generally easy racing courses -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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Bomberman 64 Cheats | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Bonus World Collect all 100 Gold Cards and beat Altair again to access a completely new world (Rainbow Palace). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- View Credits First beat the game with 100 Gold Cards, then finish the extra world by defeating Sirius. If you now go to the Options menu, you can view the credits without having to beat the game again. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sound Test Beat the game in Adventure Mode (normal difficulty) and you will be able to access a sound test option. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Battle Stages Looking for more variety in your multiplayer battles? Go to the game selection screen (where you choose between adventure mode, battle mode, etc.). If you have a controller with a pause button press it, or just press the start button quickly and repeatedly until you hear a chime. You need to tap it quickly, as if you were playing a track-and-field game. Now go into battle mode and the four extra battle levels (In the Gutter, Sea Sick, Blizzard Battle, Lost at Sea) will be enabled. We have tested this code with BOTH the US and Japanese version and we assure you it works. Thanks goes to Curt Mac "Sea Sick" is just one of four hidden Bomberman battle stages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Secret Battle Levels (Import Version) If you have the import version of Hudson's Bomberman 64, you can find some cool hidden battle levels. You need the Hudson JoyCard 64 controller for this to work. Go to the title screen, put the "Slow Switch" on position Hu and wait five seconds. You should now hear a sound that confirms that the trick worked. Choose Battle Mode and you can access four new secret stages � -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Home More N64... �
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