Cheats Galore II-More N64
Forsaken 64

Fast Titan
One major problem with the all-powerful Titan. It's slow. Here's a trick to make it shoot faster: After you get a nitro, pick up a Titan powerup. Use your nitro for about half a second and fire the Titan. Continue to hold the nitro for about 1/4 of the second after the Titan is launched. The Titan will now shoot as fast as a mug missle.


Bike Specifications
For some odd reason, Acclaim left out the specifications of the different bikes in the N64 version of Forsaken. Click here to see all the specs in a JPEG (taken from PC version).



Access All Missions Code
On the PRESS START screen press A, R, Z, Up, Up, C-Up, C-Down and C-Down. The screen should say MISSIONS OPEN and you will now be able to access all levels. Simply start a Single Player game and select the mission you want to play.



Easy way to kill Manmek
Manmek cannot kill any enemies that are attacking directly from above, so simple stay above and fire away with what you got. �



Old-fashioned Lives Trick
When you find the extra life pick up you can continue to build up extra lives by doing the following: Go to the level that has the extra life and pick it up and then abort the mission (you won't lose the extra life). Repeat this until you have as many as you want then go to a save area and beat it and you can save all of the extra lives.


Open Up Battle Mode
On the PRESS START screen enter the "Access all levels code:" A, R, Z, Up, Up, C-Up, C-Down and C-Down. The screen should say MISSIONS OPEN. You can now enter the Battle Mode. If you don't want to cheat and rather earn the Battle Mode, do the following:
To get the Bronze battle mode, complete the Death To The Invader level (on the left branch of levels). To get the Silver battle mode beat the Ramqan level (on the middle branch of levels). To get the Gold battle mode do the Balalas level (on the right branch of levels).



Access hidden levels
Forsaken has levels set up in a branching manner. If you beat level 1 in two minutes and 30 seconds or less, you'll go to the medium difficulty levels branch. Finish Level 1 in one minute and 40 seconds or less and you will go to the hard difficulty levels branch.
There are two other levels in which you can "warp" from the Medium path to the Hard path. They are "Catch the Orb" and "Power Down" -- (both found in the Medium path). In Catch the Orb, you'll have to chase down the third bounty hunter within the game (don't pick up the fake golden orb of matter) and once you destroy the hunter, he'll drop the real golden orb. Get it, and return to the starting point -- now you will be able to play the Hard path. In Power Down, simply make your way to the end of the stage, (pick up a resnic reanimator -- extra life), hit all three switches, then destroy the enemies that come out of the now unlocked doors. Once this is done, the thing in the middle will lower it's protective armor, and then go to the front of it and blast the Red "eye". (The other way, to remain on the medium path, is to blast the eye at an angle, while it's armor is still up. -- best method, is Trojax).


Kill Metatank Easily
Do you have problems taking out the hovering metatanks? To kill a metatank without getting hit, go right under it, where it can't shoot you. Just keep blasting away until it blows up. Be careful though, the explosion damages your craft, so back away when the tank is almost dead. �


Gore Mode
To play the game in Gore mode perform the following.
At the 'Press Start' screen press:

Z, Down on directional pad, C-Up, C-Left, C-Left, C-Left, C-Left, C-Down.


Psychedelic Mode
To play the game in Psychedelic mode, which makes levels continuously change colors, perform the following.
At the 'Press Start' screen press:

A, Right Shoulder button, Left on directional pad, Right on directional pad, Down on directional pad, C-Up, C-Left, C-Down.


Turbo Crazy Mode
To play the game in "Turbo Crazy" mode, which enables unlimited nitro boosts, perform the following.
At the 'Press Start' screen press:

B, B, Right shoulder button, Up on directional pad, Left on directional pad, Down on directional pad, C-Up, C-left.


Wire-Frame Mode
To play the game in Wire-Frame mode perform the following.
At the 'Press Start' screen press:

Left Shoulder button, Left Shoulder button, Right shoulder button, Z, Left on directional pad, Right on directional pad, C-Up, C-Right.


Bypass Annoying Forsaken Ads
To bypass those irritating ads at the beginning of Forsaken 64 simply perform the following:
Turn on the N64. Wait for the first opening screen. Press the reset button on your console. Now you can bypass the opening screens with the start button. This shaves a minute or so off of what is otherwise an unavoidable onslaught of ads and company titles.


Goldeneye 007

More time (Train Level)
When you get into the last train car with Ouromov, Natalya, Xenia, and Trevelyan, position yourself so that Xenia is directly behind Ouromov. Just move forward as far as possible and then move a little to the right and line them up. When you kill Ouromov continue shooting and you will hit Xenia before the barrier falls down. She will say something like "Wait for me Trevelyan, I'm been hit." Because Trevelyan has to wait for Xenia he will wait longer before he starts the self destruct. It varies, but sometimes you are able to get 12 extra seconds, so Natalya will crack the password with 15 seconds instead of 4, and you will have more time to escape from the train. This makes it easier to escape the train without her dying.


Cradle: Complete Objective B quickly
Here's an easy way to pass GoldenEye's Cradle level: When you go down to the platform with the two sheds on it, shoot any Janus employees and go left. Stand with your back to the shed with the console, looking directly at the bottom of the stairs and the door of the opposite shed. Shoot anyone coming down the stairs, and listen for the door to the shed open (to the left), and shoot any guards. After several seconds, you should hear a grenade go off inside the shed behind you. If you are in the correct position, Trevalyn will go through the "for England..." dialogue, and then "objective B: completed" will be displayed.
All you need to do now is complete objective A and go straight through the trapdoor to finish the stage. Using this method also enables you to get the gold PP7 cheat, which is nice.


Tank Cruise Control
On the tank levels (Runway and Streets), you can put your tank on cruise control. Simply push the stick forward a bit to move the tank forward ever so slowly. Any tank speed will work, but if it's moving slow, you can aim easier. With the stick forward, hold down the aiming button and Voila! You can now let go of the gas. The tank will continue to move forward and you can now swing the turret around and blast away (although it might be better to use the AR33 Assault Rifle).
Submitted by Blinder


Blow Up Natalya
Does Natalya bug you and you want to get back at her without negative consequences? Then here's a funny glitch for Goldeneye: Put All Weapons cheat on and go into Agent on Bunker 2. Get the CCTV tape and get to the end and make sure Natalya doesn't get out before you. Go to proximity mines and toss one out then QUICKLY (before the mine activates), throw another proximity mine over that one. Run out and the ending animation should show you run right through the flames, but Natalya dies.



Bond with three hands
Here's how to give Bond three hands: With the all-weapons cheat on, scroll through your weapons until you've got double lasers. At this point, press A, and before it switches to the watch laser, press Z+A (to scroll backwards), quickly release, and then press and hold Z. If done correctly, you should now have one hand holding a laser, and two more controlling the watch laser.


Flying Bond on Cradle
Turn on fast animation and turbo mode. Go to the cradle. When you beat it, you will go flying off the helicopter without the copter.


Mine Sandwich
MINE SANDWICHES To do the following code you must have these cheats turned on: All Guns / Infinite Ammo
Take out your Remote Mines as your weapon and look down and throw up to 34 mines in the same exact place without moving the aimer at all. When this is done up close you should get a vetical sandwich and when thrown in the same place from a distance you will get a curving sandwich.



Run Faster Trick
Want to run faster in GoldenEye? No problem: The trick is that when you run diagonally (e.g hold 2-C-buttons at once and look 40 degrees to the right/left), you run faster. It's just the thing to shave off those extra seconds for those time-activated cheats.


All-Characters Code
This is a long code -- 10 steps -- and may take a few tries to enter properly. You can do this code anywhere, but it's best to do it on the Multi-Player Character Select screen while looking at the last available character (Mishkin or Moonraker Elite). Here's how to do it:
1. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Left.
2. Hold the L Button and press C-Up
3. Hold the L and R Buttons and press Left on the digital Control Pad (NOT the Control Stick).
Note: Doing this will select a different character on-screen. This is supposed to happen.
4. Hold the L Button and press Right on the Control Pad
5. Hold the R Button and press Down on the Control Pad
6. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Left
7. Hold the L Button and press C-Up
8. Hold the L and R Buttons and press Right on the Control Pad
9. Hold the L and R Buttons and press C-Down
10. Hold the L Button and press Down on the Control Pad

If you entered the code correctly, you will be able to select from nearly double the characters you had access to before. Note that this code will open all of the hidden characters, even if you haven't finished the game. One drawback is that your game will not save this code, so you'll have to re-enter it every time you want to use the extra characters. Note that the Connery, Dalton, Lazenby, or Moore won't be playable -- even with this code. They're simply NOT in the game.



Dam Glitch
This one requires Turbo Mode and Slow Animation. Enter Dam and go around and kill EVERY SINGLE PERSON before the first watch tower. If you get shot by them in your return trip it might ruin things. Now, there's another step that's vital to this. When opening up the double doors, make sure the truck stays right where it's at. Don't let it move any farther than past the first door. This can be done by pressing the switch to on, then running around the truck, through the semi-open door and activate the other switch. This will leave the truck sitting at it's normal location. Now, when you reach the first watch tower, go inside and activate the alarm, then run like heck back to those doors where you stopped the truck. Open the first one, then run around and open the second. If you did everything correctly, the truck will not move at all. Go around to the back of the truck and you'll see two guys inside it! Shoot between their feet and they'll both try to run at you, but the back of their heads will get stuck and they'll just keep on running. It's almost humorous.


Kill Trevelan Without Activating Alarm
This lets you get the D5K, so you might want to spare some enemies before you get to Trevelan. Go to the large area with the bottling tanks and Trevelan. Instead of going to meet him, make a left and go through another door, kill the two guys, then make a right. You'll be in an area above the tanks. Using your KF7 Soviet, zoom in on Trevelan and take pot shots on him (he he). Once he's dead, go down, take his gun, then have a blast. If you turn on any gun cheat (Gold PP7, Magnum, etc...) you'll also get max ammo for it.



Tiny Bond Floats
You need Tiny Bond for this trick. Get to the top of any stairway or ladder. Now, crouch, look down, and walk slowly off the edge. You will hover in the air! However, it is extremely difficult to move elsewhere. The best place in the game to do this is the final watch tower on the Dam. Go up to the top, then slowly walk off, and make a right off the next ladder. SLOWLY walk in a diagonal direction towards the corner in the cement, then turn 45* to the left and walk forward. If you're lucky you'll be 30 feet in the air, and 30 feet from the closest wall! You might consider activating Paint Ball to mark any dangerous locations where you can fall back to the ground. Note: NEVER EVER press R. This will cause you to get up from your crouching position and will result in you falling.



Hide in the Vents
Is someone trying to get you while you're looking for weapons in the bathroom? Hide in the vents.
1. Go to Facility on either Multiplayer or Singleplayer
2. As you enter the stall (through the door) go to the far right corner
3. Hold the R-button, the trigger, C-left, and left on the analog stick. You should be going in circles and move up into the vents. If it doesn't work, adjust your position.



Mean Flagtag Glitch
Choose multi-player and switch to Flagtag mode. Pick the Archives battle arena. Once you get the flag in the game, run into one of the rooms with only one way in, close the door and stand directly in front of the door.
The flag will be sticking out from behind the door, everyone outside the room can see it but can't get in. You can taunt them for as long as you like.


Massive Head Injuries Glitch
You need infinite ammo to do this cheat (Also DK Mode and slow anim. helps.) In the Water Caverns, open the elevator door and slide quickly to the left wall of the elevator, if done right nobody will fire at you, now start moving back and pick off the first guy, now the second guy will come running, pick him off to. You should still be standing next to the wall in the elevator, now glance over to the right SLOWLY and if done right, your see Trevlan standing there motionless. Now use your ZMG-90 and take about 200 shots aiming at his head. Now when you quit your head shots are up at 200 and your kills are at 2.


Mysterious Spots on the Wall Glitch
For this glitch you will need paintball mode. On the first level (Dam), go through the level killing everyone. When you're near the dam, go down to the docks. Go to the end of the docks then turn around, start shooting all over at the watchtower. Now go back up to the dam and go over to the part where you would normally jump off. Look down at the side of the dam and you will see paintball marks all over the wall.



CCTV Movie Cover
This isn't a cheat so much as it is a cool thing to see. Most people already know about it, too. But in case you haven't, and you want to know every little bitchin tidbit in this game. Well, then, duh, here you go.
In the second bunker level, obtain the cctv as you normally would. Now hit the start button and go into the inventory list. Highlight the CCTV tap and the tape looks like the Goldeneye movie box.

Contributed by Andrew Mingin

...Must...buy...movie... Do...as Rare....says...


Hidden Weapon in Train Level
Turn left at the first door in the train. Blow up the two boxes that are stacked on top of each other and you will get either a DD44 or an RC-P90 (if you have any codes on).


Shoot Tank Shells From Your Forehead
This is a pretty cool glitch that works only in the tank levels (Streets or Runway). You also need to switch the infinite ammo code on.�
Go to the tank and climb on top.�Switch your weapon to the one immediately before the tank shells. Then, while switching to the tank shells, jump off the tank.� If you did it right, Bond's weapon will still be switched to tank shells -- you're ready to fire some "big ones" from your forehead.


Scientists With Grenades (updated)
You already know that GoldenEye's scientists aren't too friendly when you shoot them (they pull a gun). But if you wait a bit and dodge their shots, you will eventually see them pull out a grenade and throw it at you. This doesn't work in Agent mode.
Contributed by Alan Lake

Pick any mode and go to the �facility� level. On any mode except agent, get to that bit after you enter the laboratory area and you get to those three different rooms with lots of scientists in them. There is always one scientist in one of the rooms who will throw grenades at you if you shoot him once with a DD44. Make sure you shoot him while outside the room, i.e. through the glass.

Watch this egghead toss grenades at you


Scroll Through Weapons Backwards
Did you know that you can scroll through your weapons backwards? Simply press and hold A, then tap Z (or press them both at the same time), and voila!



Floating Mines Everywhere (Bunker)
This code allows you to float mines anywhere! First go to the bunker in battle mode, make sure you have remote mines as your weapon. Plant eight mines on the TVs that hang from the ceiling. After every TV has a mine on it go to the detonator and blow them all up. Now refill on mines and toss one. Nothing happens, but if you back up you will see a mine floating! You can plant mines anywhere in the Bunker after the code has been done.

Take that, Marty McFly: Hover Mines


Magic Box (Caverns)
In the caverns there is a way to get two assault rifles. Find the radio room. There are many boxes scattered about, but only one of them is a "magic box." Shoot it and smaller boxes and computer monitors will keep flying out. Now shoot the monitors. You should now be able to get a second Assault Rifle.



Slap Jaws to Death
Having trouble with Jaws in the Aztec level? Rather than sniping Jaws with a rifle, take the pugilistic pathway. After taking out the three guards close to Jaws, attack him armed only with your fists. It takes juevos to lay kung fu on the big guy, but since 007 is close in, Jaws will be unable to get any shots off.


The Invisible Odd Job (Archives)
Surprise your buddies by lurking in a spot that renders you invisible. Play the multi-plauyer mode in the Archives levels (without the radar). Choose Odd Job as your character, go into the basement, destroy one of the metal crates (make sure the top is still on), then go into the crate, duck, put your head down, and voila: No one can see you!



Invisible Mines
Try this wicket trick on your unsuspecting buddies. On any multiplayer level, stick a remote or proximity mine on a box of ammo or a weapon, then pick it up. Even the mine seems to have disappeared, it's still there. Remember, you can either trigger it by bringing up the watch or simply press A & B at the same time to detonate it.



Invisible Mines, Part II
Kill another player. Now place a mine on a weapon that the defeated player lost, then pick it up. The mines will be invisible forever. Since no power-up will reappear in that spot, it will look like there is nothing there. Use this trick for a nice proximity mine surprise.



Mixed Weapons
This trick allows you to pair up more weapons (not only the ones you can pick up twice). First of all, you must have two sets of paired weapons that appear next to each other in your weapon list as well as ammo. One example of this is the Military Archives, where you can have two Dostoveis and two Klobbs. Now cycle through your weapons backwards (press and hold A, then tap the Z button) until you have two of the second set of weapons ready.
1. Press and hold A 2. Press Z twice before cycling forward 3. Release A 4. Press A once. 5. Press Z to fire two or three times to fire while the weapons are changing .

If you did it right, firing the weapon will result in a glitch that leaves a second weapon up as well. If you have the All Weapons Cheat enabled, you can virtually do any combination

PS: If the above didn't work, try this: Cycle through your weapons forwards twice, backwards twice, then shoot twice.


Blow up Remote Mines without Watch
You can actually blow up remote mines without using the detonator. First, toss the mine as usual but instead of going to the detonator watch, press A and B at the same time. The mine automatically blows up and you still stay on the mine weapons screen.



More Floating Mines
Wanna see a floating mine? First plant a mine on a glass panel (found e.g. in the bunker on battle mode) than blow up the glass that the mine is sitting on. Instead of falling to the ground the mine floats in mid-air and you can still blow it up!
Contributed by Dovostei and DBN64
There is more: Blow up a mainframe computer (it works with other objects too), then throw a mine at about half the height of what you blew up. For some reasons, the mine will turn black and just float there.



Play same character for 3 players
The following trick allows players to use the same character for upto three players in a four player deathmatch.
1. In 4-player multiplayer mode, goto character selection screen and set the character who is to be multiplied as 'Player 4'.

2. Choose characters for players 1, 2, and 3.

3. Back in the multiplayer mode screen, change number of players from 4 to 3. Now, go to the character select screen and set Player 4's character as Player 3. Pick any character for players 1 and 2.

4. Back in multiplayer mode screen, change number of players from 3 to 2. Now, go to the character selection screen and set Player 3's character as Player 2. Pick any character for Player 1.

5. Now, simply change the number of Players back to 4 and start the game. Players 2, 3 and 4 will be the same character.


Two Alecs in Multiplayer
Not only can you have 2 Zenias, like the code you have states, but you can also have 2 Alecs as well. If you select two players at the multi-player menu, have player two select Alec, then change the number of players to three and click start. Works well for 2-on-1 games.



How to Get the Golden Gun in Level 20
This is possibly the hardest task in Goldeneye 007. And it's a spolier, so if you don't want to read on and find out for yourself, then stop here!
Go straight to the tomb in which the Golden Gun is hidden. Open the door. Step in onto the first square and step two squares to the left (or all the way to the left). Go two squares up, then go three right. Then go two squares up, one left, one up, one left, then go two up and one right. You should be in front of the gun, and, believe it or not, uninjured.

By walking those steps in that order, you will dismantle the indestructible auto-machine guns. The sliding glass will move down, and you're now in business. YES!

Circle around to get the gun and the ammo, and then exit out of the side door.

This gun takes enemies out in one shot. Very nice


Scientists with Guns
How to piss off scientists:
On any level in secret agent mode that has a scientist, I prefer the Facility or Silo, use your PP7 and shoot them once in the arm and once in the leg. If they don't die, they will pull out a DD44 Dostovei and start shooting at you. They have pretty nice shots for scientists.

This won't work until you get to the Secret Agent level


Extra Multi-Player Character Options
Beat the game on agent mode and a total of 33 character become available in multiplayer mode. Here are the new ones:
Oddjob (extremely short)
Baron Samedi
Russian Soldier
Russian Infantry
2 different scientists
Russian Commandant
Janus Marine
Naval Officer
Helicopter pilot
St. Petersburg Guard
4 different civilians
2 Siberian Guards
Arctic Commando
Siberian special forces
Jungle commando
Janus Special Forces
2 Moonraker Elites

Beating the game on agent enables 33 playable characters in multiplayer mode


Extra Multi-Player Stages
Beat the second Severnaya bunker, water cavern and military archive stages in agent mode and they will then be accessable for multiplayer play. Note: Only two to three people can play them, though. �


Players three and four are Xenia
In multi-player mode set on three players go to the character selection screen and choose Xenia as player three. Exit, change the number of players to four and then start the game. Player three and four will both be Xenia.

Both player three and four are Xenia


007 Mode
After beating every single level in the game on the "00 Agent" difficulty setting, including bonus levels 19 and 20, a special "007 mode" opens up. This is a level editor level.
Players can configure options such as reaction time, accuracy, enemy health, and more cool stuff.

Now you have total control, with the level editor


All Goldeneye time cheats!
Almost all cheats in Goldeneye 007 become available simply by beating levels under a certain amount of time on a set difficulty.
Below, we've listed a number of great cheats, courtesy of Nintendo, to keep you moving along.

Level Cheat Difficulty Time
Level 1: Dam Paintball Mode Secret Agent 2:40
Level 2: Facility Invincibility 00 Agent 2:05
Level 3: Runway DK (Big Head) ModeAgent 5:00
Level 4: Surface2x Grenade Launcher Secret Agent 3:30
Level 5: Bunker2x Rocket Launcher 00 Agent 4:00
Level 6: Silo Turbo Mode Agent 3:00
Level 7: Frigate No Radar (Multi) Secret Agent 4:30
Level 8: Surface 2Tiny Bond 00 Agent 4:15
Level 9: Bunker2 2x Throwing Knives Agent 1:30
Level 10: Statue Fast Animation Secret Agent 3:15
Level 11: Archives Invisibility 00 Agent 1:20
Level 12: Streets Enemy Rockets Agent 1:45
Level 13: Depot Slow Animation Secret Agent 1:30
Level 14: Train Silver PP7 00 Agent 5:25
Level 15: Jungle2x Hunting Knives Agent 3:45
Level 16: Control Infinite Ammo Secret Agent 10:00
Level 17: Caverns 2x RC-P90s 00 Agent 9:30
Level 18: Cradle Gold PP7 Agent 2:15
Level 19: Aztec 2x Lasers Secret Agent 9:00
Level 20: Egyptian All Guns 00 Agent 6:00



Level Weapons
There are four difficulty levels in Goldeneye 007 (Agent, Secret Agent, 00 Agent, and 007 Mode). By defeating each difficulty level's final mission (with the exception of 007 mode), a new weapon becomes usable.
On Agent, beat the Antenna Cradle and get the Cougar Magnum.

On Secret Agent, beat the Aztec Complex and get the Moonraker Laser.

On 00 Agent, beat the Egyptian Temple and get the Golden Gun.

This .44 magnum is forceful but not altogether that useful in crowded rooms



Clipping and all puzzle items
Get all the puzzle items
Top C, Left C (three times), Right C, Bottom C (two times)
Clipping (you can walk through walls)
Top C (20 times), Bottom C

Having trouble getting through the gates? Go ahead and cheat, baby, cheat!


First Hexen Codes!
Start your game. You can pick any play mode (normal, co-op or deathmatch) and can have any number of players. Once the game is started or loaded, press start to pause the game. Press: Top C, Bottom C, Left C, Right C. If done correctly, you'll see Cheat appear at the bottom of the menu. Go into the Cheat Menu.
The following code must be done rather quickly inside the Cheat Menu. If you pause for even a second, the codes will not work.

Cheat Menu

God Mode (invincibility): Left C, Right C, Bottom C

Visit (level select): Left C, Left C, Right C, Right C, Bottom C, Top C

Butcher (kills all enemies currently on-screen): Bottom C, Top C, Left C, Left C

Health (gives you full health): Left C, Top C, Bottom C, Bottom C

The codes listed underneath the "Collect Sub-Menu" can be inputed anywhere, but you have to go to the Collect Sub-Menu to use them. If you input the code correctly, you'll hear a "swooshing" sound. If the code is invalid, you'll hear a "Hmmm..." sound.

Collect Sub-Menu

All Keys: Bottom C, Top C, Left C, Right C

All Artifacts: Top C, Right C, Bottom C, Top C

All Weapons: Right C, Top C, Bottom C, Bottom C

Sick of playing the game straight? Want to really cheat? Oh, yeah... here are all the odes you'll need


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